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Question 5 of 10: Am I professionally responsible for delivering effective digital transformation?

Current Blog Series: Answers to the top 10 Questions CIOs face when considering an IBM i Digital Transformation Project

We recently launched a new blog series. Over the next couple of months, we will be discussing the Top 10 questions CIOs face when considering the Digital Transformation of their IBM i application portfolio. Following is the fifth in the ten-part series.

At this point in our series, I think it is important to note what we have discussed thus far:

- the critical asset that legacy IBM i application portfolios represent to enterprise organizations

- the risks associated with remaining on these isolated platforms

- the challenges your organizations face in acquiring the necessary knowledge for a successful digital transformation project

- the lack of emerging technology available to provide a meaningful digital transformation for IBM i legacy applications

Question 5: Am I professionally and personally responsible for delivering timely, effective digital transformation for my organization?

As the Chief Information Officer of your organization, this is an integral part of your job. Suppose yours is like most IBM i shops. In that case, your executive leadership depends on you to continually evaluate your critical systems and technical resources, trends regarding emerging technology in your marketplace, and specific strategic technology deployed by your competitors. Further, you are expected to lead the implementation of new systems that support the development and execution of your company's strategic goals.

If your company is publicly traded, you are expected to implement adequate internal controls to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Even if you do not work for a publicly traded company, the implementation of SOX type controls is considered a best practice to safeguard the accuracy and security of your organization's critical systems and data.

In today's digital transformation age, IT plays a significant and increasing role in the development and execution of business strategy. The accelerating rate of change in business and technology requires a more integrated, business-aligned IT roadmap to ensure that your organization can compete with new digital-native competitors.

IBM i CIOs are stuck between a rock and a hard place with no easy answer.

We all know that Digital Transformation projects are challenging. Moving forward with this type of project without technology and legacy experts can be costly, time-consuming, risky, and disruptive to your organization.

For organizations with legacy IBM i systems, it is not enough to deploy powerful emerging client-facing technology or sophisticated edge computing solutions as they may further isolate your legacy systems and significantly increase your technical debt. The substantial legacy system backlog thwarts your ability to transform your legacy systems in a way that addresses your strategic business goals and that secures your competitive advantage.

As the senior IT executive for your organization, you are responsible for supporting your organization's ability to innovate and keep up with the accelerated rate of change through technology. You are also responsible for ensuring the accuracy and efficacy of the data and systems that support your organization's critical operations and strategic objectives.

It is therefore imperative that you do not delay this urgent project. Your organization is looking to you to prioritize, justify, and sponsor this urgent project and to marshal the essential resources to ensure a successful outcome.

Launching an effective digital transformation project is essential to the long-term survival of your organization.

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